Monday, May 14, 2012


Losing sucks, it hurts and its not fun at all.

However, thats why we compete right, to win. Winning is fun, its fulfilling and gives a sense of accomplishment for hard work. Problem is that we can not all be the winner, in the game there has to be losers.

Your character isn't about how good you are on your best days, but rather how you choose to act on your worst. That one can be a little tough to swallow. Obviously winning is a lot easier and we don't have to worry about as much about our conduct as we tend to be happy and positive. Keeping ones composure after loss though is different. Learning to keep your head high, congratulate the winner and not make excuses takes one with strong and character. Those are the greats, the ones that are forever remembered and the ones that everyone else want on their team. I want to be one of those people.

I won't admit to losing well, or trying to make better of a bad situation. However, there must come a time when you accept peoples good wishes, or positive attitudes toward your trials. If you continue to have negative attitudes and thoughts people are going to stop, stop caring, stop encouraging and stop supporting. E

Everyone can learn something from losing, but its up to each individual if they are going to accept the failure and turn it into something positive. Those that are capable of this tend to become more successful and will see a win from lessons learned and continuing to work hard toward whatever the goal.

Just BELIEVE, in the goal in the dream but mostly in yourself!

"It's not whether you get knocked down. It's whether you get up again. - Vince Lombardi

Thursday, April 26, 2012


The summer Olympics are almost here again! Track and Field is one of the top events that we all love to watch. Having said that many of us have witnessed a professional athlete make a mistake or miss the target, choke at the last minute. Life really isn't that different from a race as we face obstacles (hurdles) everyday. How we choose to approach those hurdles will determine the outcome.

Be prepared. Do all that you can to prepare yourself for every hurdle that you may encounter. Have an open mind and open ears, learn to listen to anyone that you can along the way as knowledge is a very powerful tool. Ignorance looks bad on anyone. 

Practice. When you have the time and opportunity practice for the hurdles that you know you are going to encounter. All the greats did not make it to the top not practicing all the time.  Michael Jordan didn't even make his High School basketball team the first time he tried out. He didn't give up, he practiced and enough so that he made it to the top. The US Womens soccer team won the 2004 Olympics by each and every player practicing hard every day. They knew they wanted to win the Gold and thus they practiced just like they were having to fight for the Gold every practice. 

Believe it. Envision the outcome you want of the situation you are preparing for. See yourself on the top of the podium, finishing the race first, getting the job or what ever the situation. Know what it is going to take to win and believe in yourself. 

Do it! You have done all it takes to be a winner now make it happen. 3-2-1 GO! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Life's short do it up

Some days seem impossible. It's easy to get down on yourself or to want to give up, but each day is precious. Even if one day isn't so great let it go and make tomorrow better. Each day is a new start with a new slate that was wiped clean for you to do with it what you want! You can always make tomorrow better but its a choice and you are the only one who has control of that choice, lets make it a worthwhile one!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

All the cliché sayings like: "be the change you want to see", "Live, Laugh, Love", there is actually a lot of value to these statements.

Positive thinking and positive actions are very important factors that while they aren't expensive and don't require a whole lot of deep thought are so much more difficult than they need to be.

It is hard to look in the mirror and really love what you see. Tough to tell yourself you are good enough or that you do deserve it all. Why is that? Can you really answer why you aren't or why you don't? Can you do it honestly with yourself?

You are strong, smart and beautiful. You can believe it and you need to continue to tell yourself this all the time. You are the most important person in your life. You have to take care of you and believe in yourself before anyone else can fit in, before anyone else can mean as much as you want them to.

Anything is possible and it starts with you. I know you can do it, no you just need to tell yourself that you can do it.

Life doesn't get easier you just keep getting stronger!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Getting Started

Why does anything we try to start seem to take so long? So many of us are worried about the perfect time to start or the perfect place. Perhaps you are waiting for the perfect person or sign.

It boils down to fear. If you start then there is an expectation; expectations to finish, to succeed to put yourself out there. I remember when I first started crossfitting, I did not tell anyone that I was working out again. I didn't want the expectation that my body would change, that I would get stronger. I didn't want anyone to know until I knew that I was going to accomplish what I started and set out to do.

My newest start/fail is that I am toying with the idea of going back to school. Ok, lets clarify a little applying to go back to school. The reality is that i actually have to get accepted first before that can even be a thought.

Failure is not taking the chance in the first place.